My name is Deborah Gulledge, and I am a physicist with the 15th Space Surveillance Squadron in Maui, HI, where I research new techniques to collect and process data from ground-based electro-optical telescopes, and lead integration of hardware and software solutions to improve upon existing technology for Space Domain Awareness. I earned my Ph.D. in Astronomy in November 2022 from Georgia State University, where I worked as an NSF Graduate Research Fellow with Dr. Stuart Jefferies. My research focused on Doppler imaging seismology of the Gas Giants to constrain both their internal structure and atmospheric dynamics, coupled with development of astronomical instrumentation to collect these measurements. My other research interests include astrobiology and general planetary science. Aside from research, I enjoy reading, sewing, scuba & freediving, hiking, and aerial silks. Please feel free to contact me with any questions!
A compilation of images from some of my favorite observing runs.